More Guild Madness: The Legend of Neil

•10 August, 2008 • 1 Comment

I have no idea if I’ve stumbled across this early or I’m the last person to find out about it. This is a new Web series created by some of the people who worked on the Guild.

This is a series that is a spoof based on Zelda and I know I have one friend in particular who will appreciate it, and since that friend is my only reader … ha ha. There are three episodes so far and at least three more that are due to be released over the next few weeks.

Enjoy the Legend of Neil.

New Add-on: Riding Crop Switching Automatically

•22 July, 2008 • 2 Comments

No doubt as the Noob Warlock, I’m sure that everyone else knows about this add-on but just in case, I wanted to let anyone who might come across it that it has been (in the few hours that I used it for so far) really useful.

The Add-on is called: QuickMountEquip.

I downloaded it from Curse in the WoW Add-ons section. Here’s a little pic:


This add-on allows me to choose what items to equip when a mount is summoned and what to switch back to when the mount is dismissed. Unlike other similar add-ons, if a mount is accidentally dismissed (you walk indoors without dismounting first) the add-on still automatically switches the items without you having to remember. The only exception is when you are dismounted by entering combat, because WoW won’t allow you to switch items other than swords and shields at that time. However, as soon as the battle is over the add-on will automatically switch the items ready for the next encounter.

The User Interface of the add-on is all graphics where you can drag and drop your items into the relevant boxes. Very easy to use and doesn’t take up much memory that I can see.

So far I have found this excellent for switching between my Riding Crop and my damage trinkets, especially as I have a terrible memory for remembering to switch them manually.

The World of WorkCraft

•20 July, 2008 • 1 Comment

I don’t know if anyone is having this problem but it has been plaguing me for the last six weeks or so, since before my last blog post actually. In fact it probably dates back to about the time I dinged level 70. I don’t know how it happened but suddenly WoW has become like work for me.

The other day I caught myself thinking it was time to make a to-do list of all the things I need to do for my large horde of alts as well as my level 70. I caught myself mid-thought, and nearly started hyperventilitating at how my whole approach had changed towards this game. I mean, if I wanted to worry about to-do lists (and the things on them) I have plenty of those at work!! What was I thinking???? This is supposed to be a GAME! But every time I log in lately all I can think about is the massive amounts of things I should be doing (mostly for my level 70 warlock) and none of them seem like fun – it all just feels like work.

I tried leveling up alts, to distract myself and also find some enjoyment in the game again but somehow it just didn’t distract me enough from the things I felt I should be doing.

This all seems to come back to my particularly strange brand of personality, which includes fun adjectives such as perfectionist, goal oriented, achievement focused and pain in the ass!!! (I mean seriously girl just play the game and enjoy it – don’t turn it into something it’s not meant to be – especially work!).

So I’ve been taking a bit more time away from the game (shock horror) and tonight when I returned I had some fun again. Although I was playing my level 19 Orc Warrior alt, which was a totally different experience to the warlock. By the end of the session (thanks to years of accrued blue bar) I finished at level 21 and was dual wielding swords like the Count of Monte Christo (cough, after he was taught to use them of course).

After naming this post I felt like I heard the phrase World of WorkCraft before so I searched in youtube and found a really enjoyable little video that I had seen before. It’s sort of on the topic; hope you enjoy!

Warlocks and the Arenas

•3 June, 2008 • 1 Comment

If you have read my post regarding my failing PvP tactics you will know that I haven’t been having much luck in Arenas so far, although I absolutely love the concept.

I wanted to post some links to some people that came across with some interesting stuff re: Arenas and Warlocks that might come in handy for any serious Arena-ing people out there.

Here’s something from Spooncraft which is actually a quote from a CM in Europe re: Warlocks and Arena teams. It recommends some good partnering with warlocks in the different arenas.

Here’s something I ran across talking about whether the Druid/Warrior team up is Over Powered. This link also has a nice bar chart about the numbers of different classes playing in various arenas … looks like I should be looking for a 5v5 team (but I only have 3 other friends Woe! jokes!)

Here’s some stuff I ran across in the Forums (written by Jayna <Bloodlust> Frostwolf), while trying to find another post to link to. It’s really long and I haven’t read all of it yet, but I thought that it might be useful for anyone out there who is looking for some serious info about Arenas and Warlocks. (Part 1 and 2 are at the previous link but here is part III of his stuff. He obviously has a lot to say, I wonder if he has a blog?)

I haven’t done any real research, I only put this stuff up because I ran across it and it seemed a little obscure, but possibly helpful.

If anyone out there has anything they want to add, please feel free.

I still suck at PvP

•3 June, 2008 • 4 Comments

For those of you that think this might be a link to yet another video of PvP (as per my last I suck at PvP post) this is actually the real story of me well, sucking at PvP!

While I was leveling I could never really get into PvP, after dying a few times in battlegrounds, I would simply go back to my PvE thing and just keep leveling some more. Of course at level 70 there are so many more options in PvP (I guess there always were plenty but I was too lazy to invest more time into getting better) and PvE without the net of experience doesn’t have the same lustre it once had for me. Overall, I feel that as a warlock there are so many options and if I just keep trying I will eventually have the right solution for each situation I am in, so as not to die quite so often.

So far, in both battlegrounds and Arena that hasn’t been true, I just keep dying and dying and dying. I think that by writing this post and looking at probably the top ten things I am doing wrong maybe I will get better. Or maybe at 28 years of age, I am simply too old to react fast enough in PvP (compared to the 12 year olds on the alliance side) and maybe I should start into serious raiding.

Here’s my top ten list of things I’m doing wrong in PvP:

  1. Not thinking strategically in battle (I tend to run around spamming my macroed DoT button while interspersing with the tab key to change targets), while this can work for a little while I usually end up dead so I need to branch out in terms of strategy
  2. Not keeping range I tend to get fed up with how long it takes for my DoTs to work sometimes and also the frustration of going up against smarter spellcasters than myself, so instead of backing off and trying a new tactic I get annoyed and just run at the person I am trying to kill, I really don’t know why I do this, I have just noticed in the last couple of days that I do, actually do this and it is STUPID!.
  3. Not watching my health bar in combat Often when I die, I usually know that I have been taking damage for a while but I just can’t seem to get away and when I die it is usually a surprise to me – I think because in PvE I never had to watch my health bar that closely I am out of touch with that. I have since downloaded Perl Classic Unit Frames so that I have a full health and mana bar underneath my character at all times – hopefully this will help.
  4. Attempting to Drain Life in the middle of a battleground Yes, I know this is just plain stupid, nothing like printing a target on your butt like having a huge stream of greeen light connect your enemy to your position, but for some reason I see my health bar getting low and I think – maybe just this once I can get away with stealing a little of someone elses health bar. I was reading on the Warlock Forums a post by another Aff Lock who said that while Drain Life does announce your presence to everyone, half casting drain life can get you instant damage and a little healing while a half casted shadow bolt gets you nothing (sorry I can’t find the link now – I must remember to bookmark as soon as I see these things!) … they key would be to perhaps keep a vigilant eye and run at the first sign of trouble (this I am not good at)
  5. Not using my healthstone when I hit about 50% health If you notice this actually follows with my inability to watch my health bar and my reliance on Drain Life (which carries over from my PvE tactics) so in order to prevent this I have now keybound my created healthstone and I am in the habit of casting my healthstone, Fel Armor and Dreadsteed as soon as I have rezed after death.
  6. Not wearing good gear for PvP I was just reading on Wowwiki that for PvP I should be looking for resliance first, followed by tons of stamina and lastly damage. My resiliance is only 45 (but I’m working on the better gear) and I dropped a lot of stamina in my haste to get spell damage for PvE in the late 60’s … there really is nothing like the joy of being able to take mobs down much faster with +spell damage gear on
  7. Attempting to be on defence with an Aff Lock Perhaps many people will disagree with this but I have found that attempting to be on defence with an Aff Lock just screams to any Rogue around “Please come and get me, I’m ready to die now” Even with the Felhunter out with paranoia, I never see them coming (what the heck am I doing wrong on that one? They stun me once, I burn my trinket but they have used their ability to affect my movement rate … I can’t get away, I attempt my instant HoT (start spamming wildly actually) and they use their trinket to resist or maybe it works for a minute … but I still can’t run away (slowed movement again), this is where I was reading the Void and it’s sacrifice ability could be useful, but apparantly not against rogue stuns anyway (not that I have actually tried this one) – then I try my Fear, sometimes this works but only for a moment and then … I die …. bleck .. I have managed to get the succubus charming thing to work once or twice on a rogue but not for long and it has diminishing returns anyway. Oh what I wouldn’t give for a mage’s Blink ability … has anyone had any luck against rogues – does it get better with better gear??? Sorry this turned into a how to fight rogues point but what I was meaning to say is that I find that often the horde doesn’t like to do defence a lot of the time, so I feel that by going on defence it kind of encourages people, and I’ve been pretty lucky and found that I’ve won in a lot of battlegrounds maybe by chance, but where oddly enough everyone was playing defensively (in AB) and supporting each other … When I go on offence, usually no-one defends (this is probably just luck of the draw but my superstitions too) and then we lose lose lose!
  8. Not sticking with the crowd (my own side) Often in my zeal to be hiding somewhere dotting people from afar where they can’t see me, and be away from the main rucus (this is mainly in Alterac Valley) I get separated from the crowd and can’t be saved, supported or healed. This is totally, totally my own fault. But without proper PvP gear I am no match for anyone, so I try to hide and DoT and hope to cause heaps of damage without being detected. Of course once I’m detected I try to run but it usually doesn’t take too long before being cut down because others have more resistance than myself.
  9. Not being aware enough of my surroundings Ironically enough I have this problem in real life too so it is hardly surprising it happens in a computer game situation. This is where I miss my track humans from my Hunter (level 35) alt! But often I will be pounding into the odd person I have found with less gear than me and not be noticing the rogue, warrior or mage sneaking around behind me to stun lock me into death. This I believe is a sin that many, many of us share at one time or another. I’ve seen it happen in BG’s to people on both sides, but still that is no excuse I need to be watching more.
  10. Not Moving Enough I guess those that are seasoned at PvP can spot the Noob’s a mile away – they are the one’s moving slowly, or not at all while attempting to dish out PvE tactics and then wondering why they die. This describes me a lot, this probably comes back to the me being too old and too slow to hack it in PvP … but that’s not going to stop me, well Yet anyway!

Anyway, I’m sure anyone who is looking for Warlock PvP tactics has already checked out WoWwiki but just incase here’s a link to what I’m supposed to be doing (but can’t seem to manage).

Okay, this is for anyone who was looking for a video when they came here (based on my last post). This is a video of Warlock PvP on the Isle of Quel’Danas. Interesting, he uses the life drain quite often and manages to create mass carnage and survive for five whole minutes (doesn’t sound like long but is actually quite long in game time) before the other side gun’s him down so to speak.

One more thing, while I was looking for images I have come across some interesting stuff about Warlocks and Arena team make-ups etc and Arena tactics which I am going to post in another post.

Murlocs and WotLK

•27 May, 2008 • 2 Comments

I’ve been accused, by Hunter Friend snake in the grass, of being a dirty, dirty Murloc lover! This is absolutely not true. We are discussing this, which was released on the official WoW site:

“players traveling in Northrend will find themselves embroiled in a violent, ongoing struggle between a group of wolverine-like creatures known as the wolvar and a faction of highly-evolved murlocs.”

Hunter Snake in the Grass asserts that anyone that joins the murloc faction will have to be ostracised from the group. Well this just makes me want to join the murlocs all the more, I’ve always hated following the crowd and this could be the perfect way to do it. Also, I figure knowing my luck the murloc crowd will probably have that awesome piece of gear that will allow me to create more death and destruction, so I might as well get used to them now! Besides possibly two legged murlocs with funky robes on or whatever, with the really long jowls (it did say highly evolved) well that sounds like something I saw in the Star Wars movies … maybe, just maybe there will be a quest to kill all murlocs that make the funky battlecry! Ha Ha.

Another idea, just maybe there will be bunches of these highly intelligent Murlocs patrolling the city and we can watch them pile on members of the other faction that try to infiltrate, nothing like seeing a pally or even (my most hated at the moment) Rogue, have to deal with a bunch of intelligent murlocs who maybe have their own distinct battlecy …. mmm

What if … and it’s a huge what if … that by joining the Murlocs it means you don’t have to fight Murlocs anymore? What an interesting concept – I’d be in it just for that!

I must admit that I was at first terrified by the highly intelligent murlocs but I think I might be coming around to actually liking the idea, what do you think?

I must also state that I am of the true murloc hating class. If it’s a murloc quest, I don’t take it plain and simple, even if there is good gear at the end – it’s just not worth it!

I suck at PvP

•26 May, 2008 • 1 Comment

While this is a great start to any post of mine, albeit true, this is actually the title of a new film from Evertras that I stumbled upon today. This unfortunately isn’t Warlock focused, as much as I wish, but it is a 30 minute kind of instructional video for those of us that struggle with PvP. This looks at PvP from a Frost Mage point of view, but I think that the idea of looking at why do what we do in battle can definately be learned. There are some things that probably do apply to warlocks too, like keeping range etc (things I never do properly!)

Also, there are cats, funny jokes and a stellar voice over in places so it’s worth a look, especially if you are at work and in need of a World of Warcraft hit, but can’t play at work … you know who you are!

“Remember PvP is just a chess game where you stab your opponent in the face with a knife” Evertras

Part 1:

Part 2:

The Doomguard!

•26 May, 2008 • 1 Comment

Well, with a little guild help, I managed to finish the Doomguard quest tonight. As ever I’m a total noob. I didn’t even know the Doomguard existed until I was trolling through some websites while in the 60’s. Obviously I knew about the Doomguard on the Curse of Doom, but I never knew that warlocks were able to summon a Doomguard! Typical day in my noob life. A small pic of the Doomguard

I picked up the first two quests of the 3 quest chain to summon the Doomguard from Daio the Decrepit in the Blasted Lands. I read that he is surrounded by level 61 guards and I didn’t even bother to look at any of other peoples comments on Thottbot because well I was level 67 at the time and they were a bunch of levels lower, I could handle them right? Wrong! Oh so wrong! I died 5 times, 2 getting to the quest giver and 3 getting back out. On the way back out it was all about pride, how dare these level 61 (okay elites) cut me down as if they were level 71 elites? Well apparantly these guys used be the hardest guys in the game before Burning Crusade (BC) and I guess they were there to make it hard for little noob warlocks like myself to get the Doomguard goodness.

Quest 1: The Prison’s Bindings:

The first Quest The Prison’s Bindings requires a trip to Dire Maul. So if (and for the love of god I hope you are) smarter than me then do this at the same time as you do your Dreadsteed Quest – the final part of the Dreadsteed Quest that requires you to go to Dire Maul. The Prison’s Bindings is done in the East Wing, the same area that you go to to kill the imp Pusillin to get the Crescent Key to open the rest of the Dungeon to do your Dreadsteed quest – so it’s all on the way, unless you have a guildie friend with the key in which case you will be doing an area you wouldn’t have had to do otherwise.

If you are like me and you did your Dreadsteed Quest about 10 levels earlier, then I was reading on Thottbot that you can solo this area with a lot of hard work. It doesn’t require a key to get into the area and when you get in there talk to the imp again like you did with the Dreadsteed quest to get the key from him. When he runs away, follow him like you did last time and he will lead you to the Satyrs that you need to kill to get the drops.

I did the quest with myself at 70 Aff Lock, a 70 Hunter with nice gear, a 70 pally with okay-ish gear and a 63 Lock who needed to get this and the Dreadsteed too. We helped him get the Dreadsteed too. It was pretty easy with the four of us.

Quest 2: The Prison’s Casing

The other part of the quest requires you to go to Darkwhisper Gorge in Winterspring and kill everything for some drops of Tears or something like that. I tried to solo these but found it tough as an Aff Lock because it takes a few minutes to kill one with various fearing and kiting etc and the drops are a fairly low percentage drop. It took the 70 prot pally and I about 45 minutes to an hour to get 5 tears! This is also allowing for the time we stopped near an NPC who had nothing to say and investigated a locked instance in that area, which I imagine might be opened up in WotLK. The Doomguard in Action

Returning the Quest and Picking up the Third

This was an adventure. After previous experience I got as many mates as possible together to accompany me in there (to hold my Undead Hand on the way to the nice Decrepit fellow). We had a 70 prot pally, 70 Hunter, 68 Druid (he was scouting and healing for us) and myself. We thought we’d try to sneak in. The party all bar the hunter with that darn Feign of Death move, wiped in the first 20 seconds. Felhunter looking dudes with Mana Burn – not nice, really not nice! On the second try we managed to sneak through without aggro and I picked up the third quest.

Quest 3: Suppression

This quest is all about turning a warlock into a Hunter! I have a Hunter alt so I know! You are given a gem in order to bind a Doomguard Commander into it. A gem that by the way looks like any other Soul Shard, in case you think you lost it. First we took on Mobs one at a time to get to the Doomguard. We managed to find one without any adds around and then we started. My part of the quest was required to click on the Doomguard and the gem straight after and keep holding there while pink light comes out of my fingers. The Doomguard has a nasty Hoof Stomp which cancels the spell so the plan was to have the Pally out in front tanking, the hunter out with a trap and the tree healing me and everyone until the quest was complete … simple plan right … er not quite.

The first time didn’t work quite right. We froze the Commander in a Hunter Frozen trap and then I went to work with the gem. After the gem finished it’s first channeled run the Commander then just disappeared – it was really strange. My quest wasn’t completed so then we attempted to pull another Commander nearby but he came with adds. The Pally tanked the Adds, I cast my gem on the commander and kept pressing it so that it wouldn’t run out (this seems to be the key) and the Druid Tree healed me and the Hunter did a shiteload of DPS somewhere – on the adds maybe, I kind of lost track in my fervor to complete the quest. The Doomguard Commander then complained about imprisonment and shrank into a tiny gem that I had to pick up off the ground.

So easy as that quest Done, Pally train back to the Quest giver and Hearth the heck out never to be seen again.

I now have the spell Ritual of Doom (which requires some reagents before casting like the inferno) and I have yet to wield my awesome power. Bwah ha ha ha ha

Maybe one day I will be able to add a video of my first summoning. But until then here’s a great video of the carnage that the Doomguard can bring … erm to the party that summons it!??!

And here is another video I found. Short, to the point, carnage and an interesting soundtrack.

About Me

•24 May, 2008 • 1 Comment

I am a Noob Undead Warlock. There I said it, it’s out there in the open, for everyone to read. If your reading this blog hopefully you’re a Noob Warlock just like me, or possibly even Noobier than myself, but I doubt that’s possible.

If you are a long time player who is looking for insights into the glorious Warlock class about raiding, PvE or PVP tactics then this is NOT the website for you, unless you can read this website and remember your own Noob days and have a bit of laugh at me and yourself! Or if you need a bit of comic relief after a hard day’s Raid, Rep Grinding or whatever, then MAYBE this might be a site that might interest you.

I’m a very new level 70 Affliction specced Undead Warlock 44/13/0 and all names and realm details have been changed or not so carefully omitted to protect the innocent, mainly my noobie self!

About the Player

I started playing World of Warcraft one day because simply I woke up and found I’d lost my boyfriend (yes that’s right, I’m a girl) and my best mate to this bizarre game world and so had to check it out! I have a very short attention span and until now no game has kept me entertained for longer than maybe a month.

My bizarre courtship with this game began about 3 years ago and I started out as a very casual player, playing once a week if that, of course we only had one computer back then and we had to share.

Of course some months later we got the second computer and I was introduced to the wonderful world of questing with my boyfriend and best friend. This was great as they knew what to do and where to go and I just followed them around the Undead lands with my warlock for the first ten levels or so, while they created alts to run around with me. Not being in anyway addicted at this stage I didn’t play for months or maybe even a year or so, okay maybe I played every now and then.

Then I got a different job and had more time on my hands and suddenly the World of Warcraft opened up to me in new ways and I began to understand (with constant questioning of my patient other half) what things like “LFM” and “want to run SM graveyard” meant on the chat channel.

As my addiction grew, I decided to do crazy things that a casual player would never do like research my character class on the internet. At around level 50 I discovered brilliant things called Macros! At well only two levels ago I discovered Add-ons (something my boyfriend was staunchly against because the game might not work right after downloading them!) and even today I am learning about something called tactics of my class *shock horror* If this doesn’t prove my absolute noobiness I don’t know what does!!

This is my lighthearted look at myself, my playing style, my class and many other facets of the game; World of Warcraft. For anyone noobier than me you might find some hints and tips in here if you look hard enough.

The writer will not be held accountable for any loss or damage that might occur as a result of following any said “Hints or Tips”. All facts should be fact checked with legitimate sources before using the information from this website!


Noob Warlock! (terroising a server near you!)

p.s. I realise that before making this blog I should have perhaps had a look to see what other warlock stuff was out there – If i’ve stolen your idea, I apologise but really a Noob Warlock would never research anything before plowing ahead – oh no!

Paralyzed with Indecision

•14 May, 2008 • 5 Comments

I have been at level 70 for a grand total of 3 days (my /played is at 12 hours and 13 minutes) and I should be ecstatic, jumping for joy, or (god forbid) jumping on trade chat with a classic “Ding 70!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” (For anyone who hasn’t read my about me page, it has taken me 3 years of real time to get here, some kind of celebration should ensue) Instead I am paralyzed with indecision; what to do next? There are a plethora of options for me to pursue but which one first? I probably need some kind of plan, but I’m a Noob Warlock. First, I don’t do plans. Second, if I did do some kind of plan, I would never follow it anyway. That said, the following diatribe is me considering my options.

Clean out my bank, and my Alt bank character’s bank

Mmmm … a compelling argument you put forth. Nothing gets the head together like a good spring clean. But wait, you mean I’ve spent all this time to get here and now I’m going to clean! Boring!! If I wanted to clean I have a whole house in real life to get to work on … yeah maybe later …. maybe NEVER!!!

Farm for money for my Epic Flying Mount!

Making money is one of my favorite pass times in WoW (think Daffy Duck). Daffy with his horde of gold! When I find a circuit that I can farm, I tend to just switch into some kind of Zen zone (akin to when I used to play Tetris last week as a child) and before I know it I have what I need. But again, I’ve made it this far and now all I’m going to do is go out and farm … erm again, maybe later.

Farm Primals to make my Frozen Shadowweave set and up my tailoring

While the gear looks cool, the task just feels arduous. I mainly need Water, Mana and Fire Primals … *sigh* that is really all I can say on this one. But, only 15 more points until I’ve maxed out my skill, but see farming above for my opinion on that score.

Grind Rep with various factions for cool PvE gear

Where would I begin? It seems like there are so many factions, and of course I’m mostly friendly with all of them! This requires more research, but I just made it to 70 I don’t want to spend all my time on the net, I want to play, I want to lord my level 70ness over lower level people to make them feel jealous (or make them go back to playing their level 70 alt character)

Grind Honor in Battlegrounds for PvP gear goodness

PvP, now you’re talking! This could be a great place to start and feel the joys of 70ness over anyone who hasn’t got more epics or fantastic PvP gear than me … let me check how much PvP or Epic gear I have, well … oh wait, none! But still the only way to get the PvP gear is to save up honor by fighting in BG’s … *sigh* I hate starting at the bottom.

Grind Arena points for other PvP goodness

OOOOhhh … the sanctity of the Arena. I think this option looks all the better just because it’s totally new to me. Ah it seems so glorious, PvP in a controlled environment, limited combatants in any one sitting oh yeah and tons of my Aff lock DoTing goodies wreaking havoc on everyone … that is until that shiny shiny warrior resists everything and has me taking a dirt nap in under 10 seconds, but perhaps these warlock tactics will help?

In terms of the gear available for Warlocks, I found some great info on WowWiki, for affliction locks (+damage only); Season 1, Season 2, Season 3 and Season 4 and for other locks (+ damage and +spell crit) Season 1, Season 2, Season 3 and Season 4. (Season 4 hasn’t started yet but I guess is due to start soon)

Also, for anyone looking for info on how the Arena’s work I was reading up on the Official Website for the mechanics and some extra info on WowWiki.

Grind Netherwing Rep for funky looking Dragon Epic Mount

A dragon mount! (Actually called a Netherdrake) What more is there to say! Inserting funky picture so that you know what I’m talking about as I am sure that I haven’t used its proper name! Can\'t you just feel the Netherdrake-y Goodness? Of course, the old rep grind issue rears its ugly head (see my issues under Rep Grinding for PvE gear above) … but still this is a must on my list and has to be done. I have picked up the initial quest from Mordenai in Shadowmoon Valley to get the ball rolling, but the quest is all about feeding some Netherdrakes or some such … *sigh* the laziness is holding me back.

Start the chain of PvE Raiding for fun and Raid Gear Goodness

Okay, I have a confession to make, the first of many on this blog I suspect. I have a fear of PUGs (pick up groups). This isn’t due to any majorly bad experience on my part so far and that’s what makes me think … am I the problem? It is my greatest fear to be that person (you know who I mean) in the group that everyone is mumbling about because he/she/they perhaps drew too much aggro or heaven forbid caused a party wipe. I’m a noob warlock, I know I’m a noob and that’s why I have fear and anxiety when it comes to pick up groups.

I try very diligently to turn off the torment on my Voidwalker (I’m an Aff Lock – I don’t have the funky Felguard) when in dungeons but of course there is always the time you forget and the tank gets pissed. I have also downloaded Omen threat meter to make sure I don’t draw too much aggro (like I did that one time and everyone died except the tank who just looked at me dealing with a pissed off summoned demon in the Pools of Aggonar with a look of “What the ..” and “I’ll be damned if I’m going over there to save her stupid arse!” he really just stood there and watched me die – 10 minutes later I downloaded Omen).

I really want to see the content, but first I should do some research into the pyramid of which dungeons to do first, before others and what gear I will need etc Hopefully someone has this on the net somewhere in relation to warlocks.

Go to South Shore (the alliance town that neighbours Tarren Mill) and reap revenge for all the times I was killed while trying to level in the early 20’s

This option looks all too tempting! Of course it probably won’t be long before a horde (bad pun intended) of level 70 Alliance players come bounding down to my location and reign hell on me and my “seriously unsuitably armoured for PvP” butt, but it could be fun and an interesting experiment. (Could also be a bit humiliating until I have some serious PvP gear) Perhaps a Doomguard could help with this little situation?

Finish the Doomguard Quest

Ah the Doomguard! I’m going to write a separate post on my experience with this quest chain once I con some guildies into helping me do the last part.

But until then here’s a video of Doomguard Goodness below:

Still no idea

That’s a list of the options that I can see at this point. I was hoping that at the end of this I would have an idea of what to do next but unfortunately not. Argh!!!

Perhaps I’ll just bite the bullet and start a blog … wait a minute I’ve already done that!!

Anyway, if anyone has any super ideas, please feel free to comment. I am probably going to expand on my experiences with any or all of these issues in future posts.

p.s. I forgot to mention I’m an Aussie by birth so there is a mixture of British and American spelling (armour= armor; honour = honor etc, and when the tank gets pissed it means he’s angry) live with it!